Ufone Hourly, Daily, Weekly and Monthly Call Packages

Ufone Hourly, Daily, Weekly and Monthly Call Packages

To stay connected with your loved ones through calls or SMS is today’s basic need. In Pakistan different telecom companies are providing different packages at different rates. But surely people choose such packages that fulfill their needs at low cost. However, it also becomes difficult to check all packages. So don’t worry PhoeWorld always comes up with a solution to please its readers. Ufone always comes up with exciting offers for its Prepaid and postpaid customers. Therefore, in this article I will tell you Ufone Hourly, Daily, Weekly and Monthly Call Packages. Furthermore, the article contains prepaid and postpaid packages also.

Ufone Hourly, Daily, Weekly and Monthly Call Packages

Here are the complete details of Ufone Hourly, Daily, weekly and Monthly call packages.

Ufone Prepaid Hourly Call Packages

Ufone comes up with different hourly packages at very low rate. Here are the details of all hourly packages.
Ufone Hourly Call packages
PackagePriceActivation CodeDetail
Power HourRs. 6+taxDial *99#60-net minutes+60 SMS+10 off-net min+60 MB
Super Call OfferRs. 3.89/hourDial:*45#Unlimited call to all ufone numbers

Uth Student OfferRs. 3Dial:*202#Unlimited Ufone calls in just Rs. 0.75/hour
Dabangg HourRs.3.99 incl. taxDial:*212#

Unlimited on-net calls+Unlimited SMS+Unlimited MBs

Ufone Prepaid Daily Call Packages

Here are different daily call packages along with other incentives. However, Prepaid Customers can choose the package of their need.
Ufone Daily Call packages
PackagePriceActivation CodeDetail
24 Ghanty OfferRs 11.99+taxDial *2424#Unlimited on-net minutes
Super Sasta PackageRs0.85+ taxDial *5678#Rs.0.85+tax/30 sec
Din Bhar OfferRs. 7 incl.taxDial *445#Unlimited calls to all Ufone, PTCL and Vfone numbers from 9am-5pm
Super 5 OfferRs.5+ taxDial *5252#Unlimited calls to Ufone, PTCL, Vfone+Unlimited SMS(valid from5am-5pm)
Daily Pakistan OfferRs.18 incl. taxDial:*888#Unlimited on-net minutes+Unlimited MBs

Ufone Prepaid weekly Call Packages

Here are the complete detail of Ufone Weekly call packages along with other incentives. However, customers have only two options to choose.
Ufone Weekly Call packages
PackagePriceActivation CodeDetail
Power Pack (Asli Chapphar Phar Offer)Rs. 80 incl.taxDial *5050#100 on-net mints+100 SMS+1000 MBs
Weekly Pakistan OfferRs.100 inlc.taxDial *8888#Unlimited on-net minutes+100 MBs

Ufone Prepaid Monthly Call Packages

Monthly call packages give you the ease for whole month. Ufone offers different monthly call packages along with other incentives.
Ufone Monthly Call packages
PackagePriceActivation CodeDetail
Super Card PlusRs 599Load Ufone Super Card Plus1200-net minutes+1200 SMS+200 off-net min+1200 MB
Super CardRs 499Load Ufone Super Card1000-net minutes+1000 SMS+150 off-net min+1000 MB
PTCL to UfoneRs. 150+taxDial 1236 from PTCLUnlimited calls to all Ufone numbers
Din Bhar OfferRs.150+ taxDial:*4455#Unlimited calls to all Ufone, PTCL and Vfone numbers from 9am-5pm
Monthly Pakistan OfferRs.418 incl. taxDial:*8888#Unlimited calls to all Ufone, PTCL and Vfone numbers+ 400 MBs

Ufone Other Prepaid Call Packages

Other than hourly, daily, weekly and monthly call packages; Ufone also offers 15 days, 2 days and 3 hours call packages. So, customers can choose among them also.
Ufone Other Call packages
PackagePriceActivation CodeDetail
Super Mini Card (15 days validity)Rs 275Load Ufone Super Mini Card500-net minutes+500 SMS+75 off-net min+500 MB
Super Recharge (2 days validity)Rs 39Load Ufone Super Recharge300-net minutes+300 SMS+10 off-net min+30 MB
3 pe 3Rs.5 incl. taxDial:*343#Unlimited calls for 3 hours to all ufone, PTCL, vfone numbers(except 5pm-9pm)

Ufone Postpay Packages

Furthermore, Along with prepaid packages, Ufone also offers Postpay packages to all postpaid customers. However, postpaid customers can only choose monthly packages.
Ufone Postpay Monthly Call packages
PackagePriceActivation CodeDetail
Ufone TalkvilleRs. 500Send SUB to 250010,000 on-net mints
Unlimited PTCL bucketRs.100+taxSend SUB to 75008000 mints to Ufone, PTCL, Vfone numbers
Off-net Freedom BucketRs.1000+taxSend SUB to 65001000 off-net minutes
Postpay Super LoadRs.99 incl.tax*6699#2000 on-net mint+2000 SMS+2000 MBs+300 off-net mints
