Mobilink Brings 1GB 3G Daily Internet Bundle for Rs. 8 per Day

Mobilink Brings 1GB 3G Daily Internet Bundle for Rs. 8 per Day

Mobilink brings the cheapest high volume internet bundle offer for its subscribers. Join Mobilink network to enjoy 1GB 3G Daily Internet Bundle Offer for all of its customers. The good thing is that 1GB daily internet bundle is offered in merely Rs. 8 (that is including all taxes). So, it means that Mobilink customers can now enjoy 30GB 3G internet data bundle package for the whole month in just Rs. 240.
So be a member of Mobilink family to enjoy the best 3G daily bundle offer “Mobilink Daily Light Internet Bundle” that brings 1GB 3G internet data in just Rs. 8. It is unbelievable. Further Tariff details are given below:

How to Subscribe:

  • For subscription, simply dial *114*14# from your Mobilink SIM.

Data Limit:

  • 1024 MBs per day is offered by this amazing Mobilink data bundle offer.


  • Mobilink 1GB daily bundle is offered in just 8 per day (including taxes).


  • The validity of this internet bundle is 1 Day (From 12 AM to 5PM only).

How to Check Remaining MBs of Internet:

  • Simply dial *114*14*2# to check the remaining status of internet bundle.
